The Van Project

During the summer before university, I had some time to reflect on my 7 years of living in Vancouver. I realized then how blessed I have been to live in such a beautiful city, and that there are places and things that I know I will miss a lot after leaving for university. This sentiment inspired me to pick up the pen again, visit my favorite spots in Vancouver, sit down, and draw them through my eyes. These are places that I either often frequent, have attachment to, or are simplely pretty. This project was a journey that gave me a fresh, more detailed perspective of the things around me. It was my way to preserve and treasure my memories here.


I hope I'm not the only person who find colorful clouds, mountains and plants just so satisfying. I've struggle with painting techniques, and I can't ever say that I have the talent or originality when it comes to it. But the result from painting always leaves me with a sense of peace and resolution, so what more can I ask for? These are made with acrylic, watercolor and gouache.


It's scary whenever I start one of these drawings because I never know how much time I will spend on it. I can get lost in time and work on the smallest details for so long. From a blank piece of paper to a finished product, each drawing was a world I could immerse in.


Anime was a huge part of my childhoood, whether it had a good or bad influence on me. It was also what got me into drawing. Don't call me a weeb!